As the world continues to spin, seeming out of control, what can we do? I can only advise from what I know to be true for me. Do not waste time in judgement, blame, loathing or fear. Stand in y/our own unique power as a loving individual; choose quiet over inflamed speech, and promote that which connects, not divides us. Change is upon us. Engage your priorities, assessing what is meaningful now, tapping into eternal values. It is from this foundation, that I return to the 3 themes of Past Work, Influences and Current Explorations.
Part 1 – Blast from the Past (an art work I created some time in the last 45+ years).
This work speaks to the perennial wisdom of being heart-centered, re-directing the contemporary preference for the rational ‘truth’ of the mind. It is 1 of 4 in a Series, all of which I chose to destroy when I moved. As with many creations in our life, at times we are asked to let go, move on….
©Debbie Mathew Title: Listen with Heart Size: 24 3/8” h x 16” w x 7” d. Mixed Media: wood panel, plywood, paint, encaustic, wood trim, fired clay and glazes, gold enamel, transfer paper, wire, glue.
Human ears are a marvel; the range of hearing can be shifted by will, depending on one’s desires to hear or not (consider what the average teenager hears from a parent). Much of what is actually heard by an individual is influenced by numerous factors, both external (environment) and internal (consciousness).
Our individual tuning in or out is primarily regulated by the unconscious. Prior experience, and interpretation thereof, influences our interpretations of what we hear. If you often feel conflict, frustration or other negative emotions through the hearing modality, try rerouting what you hear through the crystalline structure of your benevolent heart. Choose to change how you feel about how you feel. This is a profound shift being asked of all of us.
A loving heart filters out non-resonant vibrations, and supports the ability to listen deeply, and understand the truer meaning of what is spoken. One can learn to hear from the heart, which results in more joyful relationships and life experiences.
The ears on the heart in this piece resemble a butterfly, symbolic of the powers of transformation at the throat/5th chakra. The practice of listening for the underlying truth of every sound you experience will cultivate ease and joy in everyday experiences.
Part 2 – Influences (contributing to my evolution as an artist; could be a person, place, process etc.)
Book: Loving What Is, By Byron Katie
I am by nature a doer, a fighter, an optimist; a passionate person. My MO has been to plough through and push against the challenges life throws at me; the inner turmoil resulting when confronted by circumstances I didn’t want (& had no control over), was my impetus to change. When I first heard Byron Katie’s loving, encouraging voice, (one of many new age spiritual teachers of the past 30 years), I both loved and hated her message. I could oscillate with strong emotions back then, and had some unconscious identity wrapped up in that kind of passion. But as I delved into her seminal work of asking 4 key questions to assess any conflictual situation, I deeply understood the wisdom of it. It shifted my machinations of judgment, blame and conjecture into a heart-based wisdom approach, seeking a deeper truth. It taught me how to shift from the mind into the heart, from resistance to acceptance of what I could not change. After eons of practice, I am more able to ‘go with the flow’. Simultaneously, I believe in creating one’s own unique life with integrity and authenticity. Both are truer because of The Work, espoused by ‘Loving What Is’. The underlying wisdom resonates with the approach of Listening, Speaking, Envisioning and Engaging with Heart.
Part 3 – Currently (what am I exploring NOW)
©Debbie Mathew Title: Moonlight Heart Blossoms
Size: 18” x 12”. Media: Encaustic & mixed media on cradled panel board
Personal evolution is a choice that requires whole-hearted effort. My kick-starter was the birth of my son, his subsequent disability status due to TBI at birth, and the repercussions this meant for the trajectory of my life. The challenges continued with the dissolution of a marriage, and the bearing all of it had on my personal and art life/career. These murky waters of life often put people into depression, anxiety, addiction, denial, victim-consciousness, ensuring life becomes dismal affair. Individual evolution involves attuning to the heart wounds clamoring in the unconscious depths, begging to be healed and transformed. It is up to us to own our shadows, cultivate courage to face our demons, seek the silver linings, allow for wisdom to emerge. It is a long process, one with seasons, as new levels are laid bare.
The hearts in the muck of life are a metaphor for the wounds we repress; as we give them loving attention, they shift and grow, becoming something else. As they rise up into our conscious awareness, they blossom into gorgeous wisdom, like the lotus. The recurring cyclic pattern of the moon’s aligns with the emotional body; you can tap into that rhythm to access the deeper currents of pain, truth, and healing. Ultimately we become more free, regardless of the constraints of our life. During these chaotic times of massive change, this art work reflects the process and benefits of choosing to blossom through challenges.