Pele’s Passionate Heart
Pele is a fiery Goddess hailing from Hawaii; her fierce passion focuses on birthing the new, which entails disrupting the old. Pele’s main charge is to shake up earthly circumstances, (as in volcanic eruptions, or the equivalent in the emotional realm), in order to affect necessary change for evolution of individual & human consciousness. On the outside, it is destructive, but the bigger plan is to grow and evolve life. In fact, it is Pele’s explosive ability that births new lands and new life. The rock at the center of the flaming heart is symbolic of her material manifestations. It has a crystal core, like our own human heart. Consciousness evolves as we learn to embrace all that arises in our life, the wondrous, and the challenging. The latter is where we can gain the most wisdom and compassion. Contemplation upon Pele’s fierce, loving energy can quicken the shift from challenging circumstances towards embracing the lessons and developing a heart of loving-kindness.