Door of Infinity,  Framed Size: 25.5“ h x 49.25“ w,  Encaustic & Mixed Media.

For some years now, I’ve been creating multi-dimensional landscapes; at least that is one way I speak of them.  What I mean is that, real-life images, sourced from photographs, illustrations, etc., are present, but these images are within a ‘scape’ that is more akin to a dream than a landscape perceived by our eyes – that of the physical 3-D realm.  Like the ancient mystical traditions, I feel exquisitely in touch with, I’m speaking of/to realms that most people don’t often contemplate, and frequently dismiss as pointless.  I am consciously tapping into ‘realms of potential’, perhaps those that make our 3-D mundane reality more livable, because of the inherent potential they have for teaching us about spirit, and the divinity that links everything.

The art work, Door of Infinity, is an invitation to contemplate reality beyond the mundane. The door, within a sacred window shape, illuminated by a golden corona, beckons one forth into a unknown realm.  Within the side panels, are variations of the ‘floating women’, of whom I’ve written of in the past.   Although bound, she is peaceful in her state of stillness and transformation.  In two sets of three varying sizes, she is being uplifted by wings, suggestive of spiritual protection and guidance.   The wings are also of the Air element, flight energy of elevating consciousness, within the backdrop of the cosmos, the Space Element and those realms of potential influence.  The smallest 2 ‘floating women’ along the horizontal axis, exist within a ring of DNA, a circular portal – whose potential changes in the 3D realm if one one takes time out from the physical dimension. I refer here to the proven fact that DNA improves its expression through meditation – meaning we can heal, slow down, and even reverse diseases related to aging, through contemplative practices.

Door of Equanimi at DebbieMathewArt.comI’ve created a series of small art works that focus on DNA as a portal; a lace-like circular passage, with a central ancient door.  Tiny symbolic artifacts exist within the space to suggest differing states of consciousness that assist the passageway through. In Door of Equanimity, primarily blue tones suggest a flowing, water-scape; this gives birth to an primal door, possessing a golden heart at its center. A radiant lace-like circle of DNA represents the quantum aspect of humans that organizes and up-levels through meditation. A keyhole lies at the center of the heart; proximate keys symbolize access to opening the door of Equanimity. Dolphins are human kin & the repository of social intelligence. Both symbolic objects exist in balance of 2 x 2 = 4, the ultimate quantity creating stability, equilibrium, and equanimity.   A symmetrical piece like this, can invoke a meditative state, much like the sacred geometry of sacred spaces.

Another Portal piece recently created utilizes Sacred Geometry, Starseed Portal ~ Mars, connects to qualities of celestial bodies within our solar system.  Starseed Portal ~ Mars at  The predominant red color vibrates the action energy of Mars, what we experience as, ‘just do it’ energy associated with masculine, assertive energy. It is contained within a series of sacred geometric shapes: a square for stability (earth); a circle for flow (water); and 2 triangles (up=fire; down=air) creating a 6-pointed star, signifying heart chakra energy. In the center, another circle holds the radiant space of a doorway, a portal into the unknown. This art piece suggests that Mar’s determined energy can be utilized in constructive ways, especially relevant to those in need of courage, strength and stamina.

I invite you to look and comment on how these works may alter your perception, even for just a moment, to help shift you into a higher dimensional plane of experience.  What speaks to you?

The first and last works can be explored here as part of the Series titled Cosmic Intelligence.

The Series of smaller DNA portals are under a new section on my website, titled Art < $333, alongside a collection of smaller works, more intimate, affordable and for tinier spaces.